Friday, February 27, 2009

My New Pink Office

nblab_contproject So far, this project has eaten up about a week of my time, but I'm happy with the results. I removed almost everything from the room, painted it pink, and then spent several days trying to figure out how to get all the stuff back and organized. I'm not finished (probably never will be), but it looks a lot better and a lot of the clutter is gone. I have many more plans for this room, but here is a first look at my new room!

The first photo was taken looking in through the door and then the rest are going around the room until we arrive back at the door...


Here is where I spend most of my my desk. Found all the pieces (it's 4 separate pieces) very cheap at Habitat and Goodwill Thrift Stores. Still a bit of a mess, but way better than it was before...


This corner will be the next big project. I want to make decorated bins to put in each of those hide the junk. I will also make some kind of nice display on top.


Ooops, I forgot to clean the windows before snapping this photo :0 My new sewing table is one half of a retro kitchen table found at Habitat for only $5! The whole table was awesome, but it wouldn't fit.


Dollphinium Manor, my giant dollhouse, takes up one whole wall. It is a challenge to work around this, but I'm not getting rid of it. It makes me happy :)


I even have room for a chair (and a visitor) now! This is not the chair I want here, but it will have to do for now. I want something comfy that matches the room, but this chair was available and fit in the spot (and needs somewhere to hang until the yard sale). The lamp will get a shade and the walls will get some decoration and so on and so forth....


Click here to see the entry with the BEFORE PHOTOS.

Now, it's time to get back to work. I sure hope my creative block has gone...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Button Eyes

nblab_ramble I'm still working on my office, but this kept me busy for a while today. What fun! I have button eyes! I could spend a lot of time on this web site ~ ...



I loved the movie, Coraline. It's right up my alley. Unfortunately, I didn't know it wasn't in 3D at all the theaters, so I think I'll be seeing it on the big screen again soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Well, I may be Never Bored, but this blog is kinda boring right now. Sorry. I'll get back to it soon. I'm almost done with the office redecorating project...well, I'll probably never be all the way done, but it is PINK now :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Office Redecoration Project in Full Swing!


The office painting, redecorating, organizing project is underway! I got all my stuff out of the office and some of the furniture. I finally got to start painting today...yay! I picked a lovely shade of light pink called "Pink Reef". It is VOC free (I think that is what it's free of and I don't know what big long chemical that stands for and the paint can isn't near me now) and very low odor. We painted the first coat today and can hardly smell's awesome!

Here is one of my adorable helpers :)


Another view of the cleaned out room:


Can you believe this is the same room as shown in my last post?!?

nblab_goodfood Before we started painting, we were hungry and didn't have much in the house (did I mention that I hate to go grocery shopping?). I did have the ingredients for a quick batch of Key Lime Poppyseed Scones....mmmm......


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Organize, Arrange, Reorganize, Rearrange...Repeat...

nblab_newproject My office/craft room/doll room/sewing room is a MESS! I have let it go over the past few months (with the past month being the worst) and now I'm having severe creativity block. I have trouble starting new projects, finishing old projects, getting stuff done, etc. So, first up on the new blog is going to be the start of my office reorganization & redecorating project. I look at all the lovely craft blogs out there and see all the fabulous work spaces other women have made for themselves and I get inspired! I have so many ideas and no $$ for this project, so it will be a challenge, but I MUST do something now or risk staying in this slump indefinitely...something I really can't afford to do.

This is what I have:

office_before_1 office_before_2 office_before_3


This is what I want...clicking this will take you to FLICKR to view an awesome workroom....

Wish me luck and stayed tuned to watch the progress!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Blog...

Welcome to my new blog ~ "never bored". I have often been heard to say "I'm never bored". It is true. I can honestly say that I have never been bored a day in my life. Every time I say this it makes me think of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" (hence the Raven logo ;) There is so much that I want to see and do and try. My To Do List grows daily and, at times, is overwhelming. But, I muddle along as best I can. I decided to try blogging about some of my projects. So, I guess it's time to jump in and start blogging! I have at least a million new projects (and probably just as many old) that I want to work on. I am hoping that blogging and photographing some of my more interesting projects will help to keep me organized. We shall see.