Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Workspace & Re-ment

nblab_newprojectWhen I re-did my office, I needed a place for my sewing machine and serger. I found an awesome vintage kitchen table for next to nothing at Re-Store, took it apart and used half for my machines. I was really pleased with my little half-table set up, but something was not working out....


...I haven't felt like sewing. I love to sew, but I haven't felt like sewing much at all for while now. I woke up this morning and knew why I wasn't getting much done. The office re-do made a place for everything...for everything but me! I had no place to work! I do have my computer desk, but only had one tiny little flat surface on top of a file cabinet that I had to stand at to get anything crafty or creative done. It was very cramped and frustrating trying to work there. I didn't even attempt to cut out fabric. I think I must have been dreaming about this last night, because when I woke up I knew what I wanted to do. I was going to have to get rid of the cute vintage half table. So, down to the office I went to pull all the stuff out ~again~. This time, thank goodness, it was only the stuff in the photo above and not EVERYTHING. Next, I talked Mr. NeverBored into a trip to Home Depot. Mistake. I knew exactly what I wanted and I wanted to get it and get of there and get on with this project. He knew what he wanted and then he decided on more stuff he wanted and then he wanted to look at this and that. I somehow managed to keep my cool and not kill him and we eventually returned home to get started.

My idea was to put one long shelf board across that whole wall in the photo above. That would give me room for my stuff AND a bunch more workspace.

This is what was accomplished today...


It's not as pretty as my morning vision, but it will get there. I need to either paint that support board OR, what I would really like to do, is get a couple fancy carved wooden legs. The brackets just aren't enough on their own...those machines are heavy!  I have some other ideas, too, but at least things are moving in the right direction.


nblab_newprojectToday, I also opened and organized my little Re-Ment collection. I adore miniatures, so Re-Ment is right up my alley. I resisted the lure of this awesome little collectible for as long as I could and then broke down and got a few sets. It has been sitting, unopened, for months. Why have it, then? I found an empty divided display frame and put the teensy pieces in....


I'm not sure they'll stay in this display case, but at least they are out where I can see them and enjoy and use them in dolly photos...mostly for my Pipos Baha Kitties, Aengus & Esmeralda, since it's the right scale for them.

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