Friday, May 8, 2009

Bento Laptop Lunch for Kids

nblab_goodpurchase I have been trying to get more creative with the girls' lunches. I have also been trying to come up with ways to be more environmentally conscious and change some of our bad habits. Switching to mostly WASTE-FREE lunches seemed like a step in the right direction. I came across LAPTOP LUNCHES while surfing the web one day and decided to order a couple for the kiddos. We've been using them for a few weeks now and really like them. I love that I don't have to buy and dispose of about a million little plastic baggies any more, not to mention all the waste from individual packaging for milks, juices, fruits, snacks, etc. It is usually cheaper to buy in bulk anyway, so this is also a money-saving decision, too. Additionally, I am finding that I am getting more creative with the girls' lunches and that they are more willing to try new things for lunch when presented nicely in their cute LAPTOP LUNCHES.

Here is Thing 2 with her Bento style lunch for today:


Cold mac 'n cheese, apple slices, Sun chips, peanut butter and apple "sushi", Clif fruit snack and a Mix Berry Mix 1...mmmm....(yes, I realize there is going to be some waste after this lunch is eaten, but only one small wrapper from the Clif snack...the Mix 1 bottle will be recycled ;)


Thing 2 turned up her cute little nose and said "eeeeewwwwww" when I told her she was going to have sushi in her lunch, but then she quickly realized it wasn't real sushi as she watched me make the little rolls. She thought it was a great idea and couldn't wait to try them! I found the "sushi" recipe at On a Whimm... Click here for the easy tutorial... 

nblab_musttry If you aren't familiar with MIX 1 protein & antioxidant drinks, you should be. We discovered Mix 1 because a good friend of ours is one of the founders of the company, but we recommend Mix 1 because it is delicious and healthy and you should run right out and get It is available at Whole Foods and King Soopers in our area, but it can also be ordered on-line at So there, you have no excuse not to try matter where you are ;) I have linked to my favorite Mix 1 flavor, Lime, but you can easily find the other flavors from links on that web page...

1 comment:

  1. Stopped by but didn't have time today to read thoroughly...lunches look yummy. Just got off the heart trail with g-friend out there...
    More later
