Saturday, May 16, 2009

Couldn't Leave It Alone...

nblab_contproject So, of course, I couldn't leave it well enough alone. I just kept looking at that black hem and not liking it and not being able to move on to another project because this one was bugging me. I thought about adding some lace or a black ribbon and a bow, but neither of those stretch and might require additional care after washing (i.e. ironing...something I really don't care for). Then I found it! A whole roll of black organza elastic lace! It's pretty and frilly and fun and stretchy...perfect! I pinned the lace over that ugly black hem, zig-zagged it on and done! I think it looks so much better now...and so does she ;)


It might still need a bow somewhere on the hem and some stripey sleeves...maybe I should change this blog to "Never Done!"

1 comment:

  1. Nope, "Never Bored" is much more appropriate! Looks adorable and you can tell by the picture our Little Miss loves it.
